Residential Energy Storage Solution

Residential Energy Storage Solution

Fully meet the urgent pursuit of family users for energy security and independence. It can store renewable energy such as solar energy, provide a stable and reliable power supply for the family.

C&I Energy Storage Solution

C&I Energy Storage Solution

Specially crafted for enterprises and commercial institutions, with outstanding functions such as peak shaving and valley filling, demand response, and demand management.

Mobile Energy Storage Solution

Mobile Energy Storage Solution

Provide convenient and efficient power guarantee for outdoor enthusiasts, emergency rescuers and business travelers. The small, portable and powerful mobile energy storage device enables you to enjoy reliable power at any time and any place.


Why choose us

As a comprehensive energy storage solution provider, HWOO continues to promote changes in the energy industry and provide reliable energy storage systems for customers in various industries. Whether in the industrial and commercial field or home energy storage, we always focus on customers and provide customized solutions to help customers reduce energy costs, improve energy efficiency, and promote green and low-carbon development.

100 +

Patents Obtained

10 GWh

Annual Production Capacity

40 Billion

Sales Output

10000 +

Total Served Enterprises




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